Manager – management news

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Main principles of crisis management

What makes a genuinely good manager is the ability to lead a team effectively even in times of crisis. Is your team facing a big change? Are you expecting a decline…

Five traits of highly productive people

A person's work efficiency does not necessarily have anything to do with…

A manager's body language matters: negative non-verbal signals you should avoid

A good manager must come across as competent and confident. At the same…

Not like this: five major violations of video call etiquette

Video chat has its own etiquette. Failure to follow it means committing a…

A subordinate on the verge of burnout? Some tips on what to do

Can you see a team member is stressed out, unable to finish tasks on time…

Increase your emotional intelligence in three steps and become a better manager

Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive and respond effectively…

Five tips on losing the fear of public speaking

Public speaking is a nightmare for some people. If you do not feel good…

Management strategies to ensure the loyalty of subordinates

Retaining quality and promising talent both on the team and at the company…

Avoid demotivating subordinates by not making these five mistakes

Motivating employees is a complex and difficult task. Every employee has…

Eight tips on finally overcoming procrastination

Are you struggling with procrastination? Do you constantly postpone your…

Five sentences emotionally intelligent managers never say

A good manager is also a good psychologist. They must be able to…

Reading body language: four tips on using non-verbal communication at meetings

A large part of interpersonal communication takes place on a non-verbal…

Three signs work is having an unhealthily effect on your personal life

Work-life balance is not just a recommendation; it is a necessity. If you…

Listing 118 to 130 out of 3342