Myths of time management


We frequently encounter advice on how to organize our time at work. Time management is a major topic on the internet, in training, in bulletins and in magazines. However, some of the most commonly offered advice may have a counter-productive effect: it can happen that some aspects are not understood correctly or applied to specific working conditions that the author did not have in mind. Here we provide the four most dangerous, yet widespread tips on time management, as published by

  • Everything is better step by step. There are frequent warnings against sudden, drastic changes, while the method of gradual change and easy transformation is generally glorified. However, this method does not work for everybody. We may find a parallel in the manual on how to stop smoking: while the method of a gradual reduction in the number of cigarettes per day may work for some people, the only possibility for others is to throw away the whole pack and stop abruptly, once and for all.

  • The unacceptability of procrastination. Putting things off is described as strictly prohibited in time management. The truth is, however, that it is sometimes necessary to postpone certain less pressing matters in favour of more urgent ones. Good organization of important items often means a subsequent reduction in the volume of those of lesser importance.

  • You should not start dealing with emails straight after arriving at work. Such advice is often mentioned in tips on work distribution within one day. But of course there are exceptions: for example, if you are returning from holiday or if there is an important electronic conversation going on between yourself and someone else.

  • Everything can be handled using motivation in the form of set goals. It is undoubtedly excellent to have a vision of success in front of you and to stick to this vision when overcoming short-term obstacles or doing unpopular work. But what should you do when this motivation is temporarily weakened? Here is a little secret: sometimes it will not hurt anybody to deal with a given issue in a way you find suitable just at that particular moment, without paying attention to your higher goals.


Article source - a U.S. career and employment website
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