Manager – management news

Set goals like a pro: 4 key things to consider

1. What? What do you want to accomplish? The key thing is to be specific. Make your goals clear and attainable. And make them measurable so you can assess whether…

6 tips to develop yourself when you lack time and money

If we want to make our way in the world, we must constantly develop…

How to ruin your career quickly and easily

Nobody can know exactly what direction their career will follow. Many…

4 principles for high integrity

As business professionals, it's so easy to get caught up in anticipating…

What do European managers drive?

A car is one of the most common executive benefits. It must be…

Are you wasting your most productive years? Find your dream job at last

Finding the perfect job is a challenge that can persist throughout our…

Do you like shopping? Achieving your dreams is way better

Both society and traditional politics tell us that the more you buy and…

Never say to yourself “I don’t want to fail.”

Never say to yourself "I don't want to fail"; instead say "I want to be…

Changing styles of executives: Effective leaders are team players (2/2)

The previous article described how many executives do not understand…

Don’t be afraid of networking: there are many options

Building networks is part of running a business. The Internet has made…

Situations in which giving up is advisable

Sometimes people keep doing what they dont enjoy when the rewards are good.…

Failure is not about failing but learning lessons for life

Failure can teach you lifelong lessons you wouldnt otherwise learn. Such…

9 nails in the coffin of your career

Most people do not destroy their careers by one major misstep but by small,…

Listing 170 to 182 out of 457