Manager – management news

Lesson learned from the arrogant England’s football manager

Why should you be thanking to your lucky stars instead of demanding your privileges and entitlements?  Because these days, the trust you enjoy can disappear in very…

Your blog: Never make these mistakes

You never know who might be reading your blog and you surely wouldn’t…

Does today's world favour introverts? 4 reasons why it should

If you could choose, would you hire an extrovert or an introvert? You…

4 ritual questions each leader should ask

High-impact leaders are extremely curious. They look for answers for "…

Stay mentally sharp with these easy tricks

Useful time is wasted when you worry. Focus on making plans and taking…

Článek v rámci předplatného Going for your ideal job

Even in todays highly competitive employment market, obtaining the job…

Perfectionists hinder your career. Who else?

During our working lives we all meet a whole range of individuals in…

High time for hiring a business coach

Professional athletes sometimes encounter problems which require the…

Delegating sins: 5 mistakes managers make

The American research-based consulting company Gallup studied 143 CEOs of…

Online personal branding for beginners

Have you ever tried googling your name? The answer is probably yes. What…

Career advancement (2/2): The closser the better

In the previous article, we proposed that after a certain point, getting…

Career advancement (1/2): The doubtful value of experience abroad

The authors advise executives to engage in international assignments.…

Why this formula for mastering any skill you want works

Here is the formula for mastering any skill: it is consistency + self-…

Listing 157 to 169 out of 457