In the first year of doing business, startups tend to commit the same mistakes which can cost them not only money but also their entire existence. Reporter Alyson…
For many people, requesting a raise equals a nightmare. They expect…
Something is always better than nothing. This is especially true when…
Would you like the people around you to show you more respect? Then you…
The fact that corporate budgets are not unlimited needs no great…
Some companies have completely abandoned the idea of holding regular…
I want to lose weight. I want to learn new things. I want to spend more…
Are you successful and yet still feel that you do not deserve the benefits…
Corporate budgets are not unlimited as many employees often think on their…
Count down for the working days of your previous boss is finished and his…
Being proactive means to act to gain control over a situation before it…
Starting work on your own project is a great thing. It is even more…
In the previous part of our two-part series, we began, with the help of The…