Manager – management news

Strategic change and middle managers: The frustration of middle managers (2/2)

In the previous article we described a starting situation of the company. New CEO was about to implement a strategic change and he had support of middle management.…

When your team needs you more than you think

Managers are often criticized for watching every step their subordinates…

Best leaders apologize when they make a mistake

It seems that the most effective leaders are very professional, but at the…

Are you struggling with negative thoughts? Brian Tracy beats them

Negative thoughts are the main obstacles to your success. What's more, they…

Is managing people remotely really so difficult? What about the Egyptian pyramids?

The manager who supervised the building of the pyramids in Giza did not…

Unsuccessful presentation? You don't have to break down

You carefully prepared a presentation for your superiors and you think you…

Strategic change and middle managers: Beginnings can be promising (1/2)

When there is a strategic change coming, an open rebellion against…

Does power corrupt? Yes, but not inevitably

Is it true that power decreases people's empathy and compassion? Yes, but…

Breakthrough customer experience: There is no perfect product (3/3)

In the previous article we saw how Disney and Amazon improved their…

Performance is all about encouraging the right behaviours

Genuine effort is needed to build a high performance culture. To enable…

Do you really need more creativity?

Do you think your team or company is not creative enough? Maybe it's not…

How to make a presentation engaging?

In November the colours of leaves shift from green to gold, red and orange.…

5 habits of successful and creative people

Emotional intelligence expert Travis Bradberry has developed, in his own…

Listing 2328 to 2340 out of 4230