Human resources – HR news

icon 14 faces of internal training

Internal employee development has several advantages in comparison to attending external courses. First, it takes place in a specific corporate culture and second,…

icon What should you offer overqualified employees?

We can see cases of overqualified workers or job seekers all around us. For…

icon Study: Neuroscience in HR and employee development

Neuroscience is a scientific discipline focused on studying the brain and…

icon Succession management in five steps

If you only know the process of "succession planning" in connection with…

Training evaluation: Getting half-way just isn't good enough

icon Training evaluation: Getting half-way just isn't good enough

There is a serious problem related to corporate training sessions –…

icon Professional resume: How to be distinct from others

Try to use your own words. Show that you have put in some effort into…

icon 5 steps to a successful leadership development program

Is a leadership development program worth your investment? How can…

icon Do not wait for C-level executives to ask these questions

Every senior HR professional should know the answers to the questions that…

icon 10 difficulties in 360-degree feedback (part 2/2)

In the first part of the article on the problems that can occur in 360-…

icon 7 steps for successful managerial coaching

Can coaching really change the behavior of managers? The answer to this…

icon 10 difficulties in 360-degree feedback (part 1/2)

The purpose of 360-degree feedback is for employees to be evaluated not…

icon Who is uncoachable?

In a recent article on coaching, we wrote about the most common reasons why…

icon When coaching does not work

Studies and experience show that coaching managers is one of the most…

Listing 131 to 143 out of 272