In recent months about 10 million people worldwide have tested positive for coronavirus. This is the sad reality we will have to deal with. Do you know how to…
Digital education is growing in popularity. Through remote personal…
Many companies looking for new employees are now focusing on recruiting…
According to a recent British study, almost a third of local employers say…
Strong morality is not a luxury but an essential – and not only in…
A new decade is here and, with it, HR is also entering a new era. What will…
Our era is digitising faster than ever. Clearly, the time has come to…
The TED project is a series of lectures about technologies, science, art…
Workplace diversity is under constant threat from our natural biases as…
Stéphan Thierry is Managing Director of Krauthammer. In our interview, he…
Automation and robotics. Two major themes that dominate working life.…
The difference between the incomes of men and women is a long-term one.…
Although technology is constantly evolving and people are increasingly…