Human resources – HR news

icon How to communicate if an employee is positive for COVID-19

In recent months about 10 million people worldwide have tested positive for coronavirus. This is the sad reality we will have to deal with. Do you know how to…

icon Study: Digital education is on the rise

Digital education is growing in popularity. Through remote personal…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Online onboarding of employees step by step

Many companies looking for new employees are now focusing on recruiting…

icon Study: Employee engagement has increased during the pandemic

According to a recent British study, almost a third of local employers say…

icon Five tactics for maintaining employee morale in difficult times

Strong morality is not a luxury but an essential – and not only in…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Four important specialist terms that will be much used in HR in 2020

A new decade is here and, with it, HR is also entering a new era. What will…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon HR digitisation is about people, not technology

Our era is digitising faster than ever. Clearly, the time has come to…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Five videos that every HR specialist should watch

The TED project is a series of lectures about technologies, science, art…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon How to prevent bias when hiring

Workplace diversity is under constant threat from our natural biases as…

Only 30% of employees in Europe are engaged. How to change it?

icon Only 30% of employees in Europe are engaged. How to change it?

Stéphan Thierry is Managing Director of Krauthammer. In our interview, he…

icon The age of robots: dismissals at Amazon decided by computer

Automation and robotics. Two major themes that dominate working life.…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Survey: Women negotiate less over salaries

The difference between the incomes of men and women is a long-term one.…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Companies are starting to chip their employees

Although technology is constantly evolving and people are increasingly…

Listing 27 to 39 out of 664