Human resources – HR news

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icon A man in favour of quotas for women on boards

The idea of introducing mandatory quotas for female representation on corporate boards raises fierce debate and heightens emotions in both sexes. A great example is…

icon Study: New and emerging workplace risks in Europe

The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) published the…

icon Study: No discrimination against women applying for a job in the Czech Republic

Are women who are expected to take maternity leave soon or are limited at…

icon Mental disorders in the workplace: Should we fear them?

Stigma, taboos, fear, all still surround mental disorders. Nevertheless,…

icon More Czech men involved in child care

The number of men on parental leave (who are entitled to take maternity…

icon Vodafone launches global maternity policy

The British telecommunication group Vodafone is introducing a global…

icon Study: Women in the EU earn 16% less than men

The gender pay gap in the European Union amounts to an average of 16.4% to…

icon Study: Female representation in management growing slowly

A new study by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) confirmed the…

icon EU law: Obesity can be considered a disability

The European Court of Justice pronounced a breakthrough judgment in the…

icon EU-OSHA e-guide: Managing stress and psychosocial risks at work

The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) launched its…

icon Shared maternity leave started in the UK

The law on sharing maternity leave, the so-called Shared Parental Leave…

icon Germany close to approving the law on quotas for women on boards

The German government coalition has completed its bill which introduces…

icon Study: Depressed employees should continue working

We have recently published several articles on the growing number of people…

Listing 53 to 65 out of 150