Human resources – HR news

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icon Facebook: Do not give your passwords to employers

Erin Egan, Facebook's Chief Privacy Officer, asked users not to reveal the passwords to their Facebook profilesto employers. It was her reaction to the reports…

icon U.S.: Employers force job applicants to reveal their Facebook passwords

Given the current mass use of social networks, recruiters increasingly…

Study: Every third employee does not feel psychologically safe at work

icon Study: Every third employee does not feel psychologically safe at work

Employers should focus more on the mental health of their employees. This…

The Swiss rejected six weeks of holiday entitlement

icon The Swiss rejected six weeks of holiday entitlement

Swiss voters have rejected the referendum on increasing the minimum length…

icon German journalist call for mandatory quotas

Hundreds of leading female journalists demand compulsory introduction of…

Study: Workaholism not detrimental to employee health

icon Study: Workaholism not detrimental to employee health

If you love your job, workaholism will not hurt you. Moreover, it will…

icon UK: First employee brings a case for dismissal because of his profile on LinkedIn

John Flexman (34) is the first Briton who brought a case against his former…

icon Study: Changes in the structure of part-time employment in Germany

The importance of part-time employment is rising across the whole Europe.…

icon Czech Ministry of Labour to launch new system of providing information on vacancies

Czech employers no longer have to report job vacancies to the public…

icon Austria considers mandatory employment of older people

Upper Austrian Social Democrats (SPÖ) submitted a bill that would…

icon Still little room for women on boards in Germany

Despite the fact that numbers show better results of companies led by…

icon Germany: Small companies want a complete ban on smoking

Smoking during working hours is again a hot issue in Germany. German…

icon Answering emails via smart phones - Is it overtime?

Can employees who are expected to answer work-related emails via their…

Listing 131 to 143 out of 150