Human resources – HR news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon How to succeed with a presentation: five tips that never fail

Even HR managers must give a presentation from time to time. They may need to present statistics about employees or the results of a training programme to company…

icon Some tips on how to detect a lie when talking to someone

An HR manager often needs to be a bit of a psychologist. They must be able…

icon Getting people acquainted: four games that will help

Onboarding, training sessions, meetings with experts or any other events:…

icon How to create an environment in which employees are not afraid to talk to HR

Unfortunately, in many companies, the HR department is still seen as a tool…

Laurent Laval, Arthur Hunt

icon Innovation based on radical change for common sense

Turin, head quarter earth moving machines of Fiat. “Lorenzo, please go to…

Laurent Laval, Arthur Hunt

icon Transform your employees into artists: They will find a sense in what they do and stay

It’s October 2007. Paul, Sales Manager of a Bobcat importer in Norway,…

icon 21 communication tips that will come in handy this year

No one chooses to be a bad communicator. However, many HR professionals can…

icon Do you sense the home office model is not working at your company?

For most full-time employees used to commuting to the office, the…

icon Are you motivating your front-line employees enough?

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown why it is so important to motivate these…


icon The new era also brings new threats to employers

The teleworking of employees increases company risks, such as fraud or…

icon Five types of conversation managers should have with team members

Communication plays a key role within teams. And the team manager is the…

icon The most common problems in communication of a manager with the rest of the team

Excellent internal communication is a must in the successful management of…

icon Motivate employees to confide in you

For managing talent and implementing effective changes at the workplace, an…

Listing 1 to 13 out of 127