Human resources – HR news

icon How to encourage loyalty in a call center

Call centers have a reputation for workplaces that are unable to sustain their best people. That is why the British journal Call Centre Helper focused on possible…

icon European money to support the creation of child groups

Before the end of this year, the Czech Ministry of Labour and Social…

icon Unilever wants 55% of women in leadership within three years

The Anglo-Dutch consumer goods manufacturer Unilever announced that it…

Mgr. Jana Randáková, Menttory

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Diversity? What a new fad?

Diversity is a basic quality of systems expressing variedness of their…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Lead your office politics to better cooperation

Each office has its own politics. Whether you like the your policy more or…

icon Czech government supports child groups

The Czech government approved the subject matter of a new law concerning a…

icon Test your employment brand

Strong employer's brand is one of the most powerful recruitment tools of a…

icon Don't forget your corporate culture when recruiting

Employers often make a mistake when choosing their employees only on the…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Telefónica introduces financial benefits for moms

Mothers employed at Telefónica Czech Republic who decide to return to work…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Study: Working before birth as bad as smoking

Children of women who work in the ninth month of pregnancy weigh about 230…

icon Focus diversity management on interpersonal skills

A fundamental part of the work of diversity experts in companies is…

icon UK: First company to introduce the Babies at Work scheme

The Babies in the Office documentary miniseries broadcasted this week on…

Ing. Zdenka Vostrovská, CSc., 1. VOX a.s, předsedkyně představenstva

icon Why do I have more women in my team?

Vše jako by nasvědčovalo tomu, že ruku v ruce s vývojem doby jsou lidé…

Listing 196 to 208 out of 249