Human resources – HR news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon Employee upskilling: what it is and why your business can't thrive without it

In today's dynamic times, many companies are facing a shortage of skilled workers. Changes in technology, shifting work preferences, and demographic changes are all…

Laurent Laval, Arthur Hunt

icon Lauren Laval, Arthur Hunt: We don’t just fill positions – we change lives, and we take that seriously

In the latest episode of the HR News podcast, we welcomed Laurent Laval, a…

Laurent Laval, Arthur Hunt

icon New workplace, new relationships. How does the home office impact team dynamics? 19.9.2024, Prague

In today’s workplace, homeworking is an expectation and digital interaction…

icon How to offer employees a training programme that will genuinely suit them

Employee training has a number of functions. Firstly, it increases the…

Nuclear Leadership

icon Join us for "Nuclear Leadership,"

Join us for "Nuclear Leadership," an exclusive online webinar that dives…

Pozitivní motivace v leadershipu založené na neurovědě

icon Positive motivation in leadership based on neuroscience, 19th May 2023

Is it possible to motivate people without using more money? How to create a…

Robert Hogan a Michal Kankrlík

icon A good leader can learn from mistakes: Interview with Dr. Robert Hogan, icon of the psychodiagnostics

Dr. Robert Hogan, spiritual father of psychodiagnostics, was a…

Laurent Laval, Arthur Hunt

icon Rational decision

Brussels Bobcat headquarters February 2007: Telephone call from Marek, the…

Laurent Laval, Arthur Hunt

icon Tears of truth

The eyes of Lucie, the Human Resources Manager, blurred and she shed a…

icon Five tips on ensuring staff training has the desired effect

Quality and targeted training of employees is key in keeping a company…

Laurent Laval, Arthur Hunt

icon Recipe to build the passion: problem as catalysator, listening of the person desire, confirmation by the events

“A boy 11 years old needs his father” said my son’s teacher during the…

Laurent Laval, Arthur Hunt

icon Innovation based on radical change for common sense

Turin, head quarter earth moving machines of Fiat. “Lorenzo, please go to…

Listing 1 to 13 out of 274