Human resources – HR news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon How to choose the right coach

The International Coach Federation(ICF) states that "coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize…

Why are bad managers bad?

icon Why are bad managers bad?

As HR professionals, you have surely heard many employee complain about how…

icon Key role of managers in employee training

Employee training is definitely not just a responsibility of HR. Managers…

icon Can e-learning teach soft skills?

Experts in adult education still cannot agree on whether or not e-learning…

icon Where to look for best practices in employee development?

When you are looking for examples of the best practices in your field, you…

icon 10 principles of talent management at Facebook

It usually takes several decades to build a company with unique talent…

icon Make your job in HR more secure

The fact that you currently have a good job in HR does not mean that you…

icon Study: Forget about "superhero" leaders

For decades, companies have been trying to find a "perfect leader."…

icon Develop the potential of future leaders

It is hard to find capable leaders in this turbulent society full of sudden…

Leadership development programs: Causes of failures

icon Leadership development programs: Causes of failures

Leadership development programs in companies often fail for reasons that…

icon 5 tips for reverse mentors

As more and more representatives of the younger generation are entering…

icon Dave Ulrich on leadership sustainability

Human Resource Champions, The HR Value Proposition, HR from the Outside In…

icon The art of mentoring, or how to train high-quality workers

Mentoring is, even today, still often underrated, much to the harm of many…

Listing 170 to 182 out of 274