When examining the impact which eating together has on a final deal, it seems that sharing a meal is…
Is it a good idea to have a meal when you need to talk business? This is undoubtedly a common…
If you want to succeed in delivering an elevator pitch (ca. 40 seconds), you should stick to the…
There are skills we can learn via online dating that can subsequenty be used in job searches, our…
Selling is a crucial skill in your personal and professional life. But what exactly is it that makes…
It is well established that many people dread having to address an audience. Nowadays, however,…
During negotiations it is enough to imagine an attractive alternative and you will boost your self-…
Are you not sure how to dress for an event where you are to speak in front of an audience? Your…
If there is something unique about you, you could and should use it to make your presentations more…