Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Some myths about public speaking

For a presentation to be successful (either at a conference or in front of company management), it…

Must a good presentation always be short?

We hear it everywhere: no matter what, keep presentations short and brief; do not overwhelm the…

Five tips on how to become an engaging speaker

When giving a presentation or public speech, it is not always easy to engage the audience. Here are…

Four very common mistakes people make in presentations

Public speeches and presentations scare many people. Often the reason is that they do not know how…

Six tips on how to prepare a perfect presentation

Whether you are preparing to address a large audience or planning to give a short presentation to…

The basics of a successful public presentation or speech

Public speeches. Some people are terrified of them, some don't mind them, and some people love them.…

How to deal with colleagues' unpleasant behaviour during conference calls?

We all may be a little tired of the endless stream of video calls and phone calls that at present…

Secrets of a successful presentation: is there anything you are forgetting?

Not everyone enjoys performing in public. On the contrary: many of us are happy to have any…

Why shouldn't women be outstanding speakers?!

The great speakers that history remembers are mostly men. It's not that women have no worthwhile…

Listing 28 to 36 out of 373