Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Myths of global leadership

If you have ever had the opportunity to work or lead a meeting in a multicultural environment, you…

The future of work: No bosses, no offices, no e-mails

The future of work. That is a part of the title of a book by Scott Berkun called The Year Without…

Do you really know who is introvert and extrovert?

Introverts do not like people and extroverts can't listen. If you believe in these myths, the…

Can you sell yourself?

Surely, you have gained many interesting experiences during your professional career. However, how…

Etiquette in professional relationships - Do not pull out someone's chair

Etiquette is an important part of building professional relationships. You simply cannot be…

Study: Lowest number of women in Czech corporate management found in banking

There are only 8% of women in the statutory bodies of the Czech top 100 companies. Most of them work…

Learn to criticize when brainstorming

Do you think that brainstorming is a method that takes place in a pleasant environment, free of…

Telecoms - banking - energy and lessons from the story of David and Goliath

Each of us needs them. They know it and behave accordingly. Their business is big, stable and…

Setting organizational culture: The basics

Many top managers will tell you that both the company strategy and culture stand at the core of…

Listing 892 to 900 out of 987