Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Four steps to help your team reach its maximum potential

A manager should be a facilitator who enables subordinates collectively to leverage their strengths…

Empowerment: what it is and how to apply this technique to your team

The term "empowerment" is widely used in the context of leadership and people management. It is an…

Is there a newbie coming to your sales team? Five steps to onboard them quickly

Are you a leader of a sales team, and are you hiring a new member? A new employee in a sales…

Five tips for leading effective personal development meetings with subordinates

Personal development of employees is one of the key tasks of a manager. No team leader should…

Does your team have high employee turnover? Five reasons why

There are many good reasons why you should try to avoid high turnover in your team. Firstly, there…

Four things a manager must do to help their team reach its full potential

The main task of a manager is to support the strengths of subordinates and achieve maximum, yet…

Five soft skills you should develop in subordinates

Besides hard (i.e. technical) skills, a manager should also develop their subordinates' soft skills.…

Empowerment: what it is and how to practise it in your team

The word "empowerment“ frequently appears in articles about leadership. It has no direct equivalent…

Seven questions you should be asking at regular meetings with your employees

Regular communication with subordinates is key to successful and effective leadership. As a manager,…

Listing 19 to 27 out of 482