Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

How to inspire others: five practical tips on being a motivational leader

A real and successful leader knows how to inspire and motivate others, especially their…

How to tell if you are not good at leading people? Four sure signs

Some people are born to lead, others are not. How can you tell if you are in the second group and…

The 10-10-10 rule: what it is and how it can help you lead people

If you want to make better and faster decisions, work rationally and be a better leader, you should…

Need to return to the office? Four tips on making it as easy as possible for the team

The post-Covid boom of home office is slowly but surely fading. Many employers whose staff do office…

Some tips on coping with "winter blues" in times of short days and long nights

Winter, a season of long nights and short days, can cause many people to feel somewhat melancholic,…

Five skills you should develop as a leader in 2025

The year 2025 is here, and it is the perfect time to do a small audit of your skills and be clear…

Managing graduate subordinates who are fresh out of school

When it comes to work and managerial leadership, fresh graduates of an apprenticeship programme,…

How to tell a management position is not for you

Some people are born leaders; others lack the necessary qualities and a management position is not…

Working till burnout: five tips to stop being a workaholic

While workaholism may be glorified in some companies and social groups, the truth of the matter is…

Listing 37 to 45 out of 3348