When examining the impact which eating together has on a final deal, it seems that sharing a meal is not always the ideal option. It is a more nuanced, strategic…
Is it a good idea to have a meal when you need to talk business? This is…
Do you know how to encourage and motivate your staff to participate more…
The previous article described what you need to focus on if you want to…
For a long time now, manufacturers have been trying to eliminate as much…
Implementing changes is usually difficult. To a large extent, support and…
If you are a startup or a small business, you shouldn’t miss the chance to…
Any gap between the world of modern technology and your organisation will…
When setting a date and time, you have to consider everyone's schedule;…
One of the most demanding challenges of today is that the world is changing…
The previous article described the main advantages of blockchain…
Blockchain enables the tracking of shipments in real time. The result is…
If the best employees stay in your team, this is a good thing. But is this…