Manager – management news

How to earn the admiration of others, both at and outside work

Having the respect of subordinates and other people around you helps a manager to fulfil their role. If this respect is absent, a manager can hardly carry out their…

Four bad habits of managers you need to break

Just like anyone else, managers also have their bad habits. But such habits…

A psychologically safe working environment: what it looks like and how to achieve it

Support of mental health at the workplace is on the rise. Companies are…

Do not be a toxic boss: telltale signs that show you are one

A toxic team leader not only makes the life of team members much harder,…

Five management styles: which one is yours?

There are five basic management styles. Each has its pros and cons. It is…

The key to effective meetings? The first five minutes matter

One of the many responsibilities every manager has is ensuring team…

Traits you must prove you have when applying for a management position

What traits does a good manager possess? And what characteristics do you…

New Year's resolution for 2023: Improve your communication skills

The onset of a new year is a time for resolutions. If you too consider the…

Four tips for improving team productivity

The year's end is a time for assessing the previous twelve months, as well…

The most important management skills according to legendary coach Brian Tracy

Becoming a truly successful manager requires long-term effort and…

Why a manager cannot be too easy-going

What, in your view, does an ideal manager look like? Most likely they will…

How management is similar to parenthood; or, Why parents often make good managers

Parenthood and people management have much in common. So it is no surprise…

Virtual communication: how it differs from the traditional way and what to beware of

There are increasing demands from employees for at least partial home…

Listing 365 to 377 out of 4226