Manager – management news

Change management: what it is and how a manager can lead a team through change

Change is life. It is also an everyday reality in any company. So-called change management, namely managing and coordinating change, is one of the basic tasks of any…

How to handle acute stress or anxiety in four steps

Acute stress, anxiety and fear: these are intense reactions of the body to…

Three strategies of effective leadership according to a former astronaut

Cady Coleman is an American chemist, engineer, member of the military and…

Increase your team's productivity quickly

Wondering how to increase your team's productivity? Here are some tips on…

Five good reasons for not being an overly optimistic manager

An effective and inspiring manager must not be morose and pessimistic, but…

Four negotiating techniques of successful leaders

One of the key qualities of a successful leader is the ability to solve…

UK survey: companies allowing remote working are 16 % more productive

The coronavirus crisis opened the door to a new norm by forcing companies…

How negative thinking impacts your results (and how to get rid of it)

Professional articles and self-development literature often state that the…

Is your work environment toxic? Five signs that you are the cause

"A fish rots from the head down". This saying also applies when a work…

Are your work and personal and life out of balance? Five tips on what to do about it

Balancing work and personal life can sometimes be a challenge, and this is…

Might you be an overly authoritarian leader? Four warning signs

A good manager must be able to find the right balance between sufficient…

Five tips to help you have a successful team and happy subordinates

Motivated and happy subordinates are the foundation of a successful team.…

Four original tips on building a successful personal brand on LinkedIn

The professional network LinkedIn has come up with a number of innovations…

Listing 170 to 182 out of 4226