Manager – management news

Single or multiple sourcing? (2/2)

The previous article explained that when tasks can be easily separated, it is usually better to hire two vendors. But what if the tasks you need to outsource are…

Employee engagement stands and falls with managers

The term "employee engagement" is often confused with the feeling of…

Do you know how to steer successfully innovative ideas?

Why are some people able to get their ideas rolling, while other people's…

Good management requires continuous learning

Once you have left school and started your career, sometimes it is…

Single or multiple sourcing? (1/2)

When there is a business-critical project to take care of and sourcing is…

Why are meetings a waste of money?

There are considerable productivity losses every year in companies which…

Tips on how to tackle procrastination (2/2)

The previous article offered some tips on how to tackle procrastination.…

A bad employee, or a bad boss?

Every manager sometimes experiences the situation when one of his employees…

Study: Global use of industrial robots

Production automation keeps on accelerating. While in 2015 there were 66…

Busy period at work? How to survive it physically and mentally

A large number of professions occasionally have a period when more time…

Tips on how to tackle procrastination (1/2)

We all do it. We all put off something we don’t like by telling ourselves…

Reasons to support employee activity on LinkedIn

Using LinkedIn to gain connections and share content with others can be…

Office politics: Is it really a bad thing?

People say that one of advantages of working remotely is staying out of all…

Listing 1470 to 1482 out of 4228