Use the power of gratitude to be more successful in your career

Express gratitude more often. A good idea – but how to go about incorporating the concept of gratitude into your life? It is not so difficult and if you succeed in doing so, it will change your life.


Let’s see why we shouldn’t be so busy that we forget to express thanks. Gratitude is a powerful notion and expressing it is a powerful move.

In order to express gratitude, you should start by looking for the good in every situation and then appreciating it. It needn’t be elaborate; on the contrary, it may be very simple indeed. Saying thanks – or at least expressing gratitude – takes up only a few seconds of our time, as the website reminds us.

Every morning take a moment to say thanks for your family or your job. By consciously feeling grateful, you maintain control of your perspectives and remember why you do whatever you are doing in life.

It is easy to be negative 

Sometimes we get caught up in negative thinking and that is normal. Sometimes things simply aren’t how we would like them to be. At moments like that we think negatively. However, we shouldn’t dwell on negative thinking: sometimes it may be relevant but it is easy to overdo it. Try to switch to gratitude whenever you can so as to get rid of the negative thinking if it seems to be lasting for too long.

Do you like to be around people who are negative? It feels much better to be around positive people, does it not?

Use gratitude to your advantage

  • Keep a gratitude journal. It's enough to use your phone or a notepad to write down everything good that has happened during your day. There will always be something positive.
  • Try to find something positive in every negative thing that happens to you. Take on the mindset of looking for the positive.
  • Offer at least one compliment per day. This again will encourage you to look for something good in every person you meet.
  • A final step: try to go through one week without saying anything negative. Can you manage that?

Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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