Have you ever exploded at work?

Work can sometimes be stressful and there are moments when we may lose our temper. How then to recover after such a scene?


You need humility and conscious intention. Be honest with yourself: was this a one-off experience or has it happened multiple times? If it was just a sudden, isolated outburst, it may have been ignited by situational factors. In that case, a sincere apology might be enough. If, however, you lose your temper on a regular basis, you need to work on yourself and start rehabilitating your reputation.

Apologise – and do so as soon as possible. You will thus limit the length of time others spend discussing your behaviour. According to the hbr.org website, an effective apology has the following components:

  • Expression of regret
  • Explanation of what was wrong
  • Acknowledgement of your responsibility
  • Offer of a solution or correction
  • Request for forgiveness

The more of these components you include, the more likely it is your apology will be successful. What is really crucial is acknowledging your own responsibility. Don’t rationalise, don’t make excuses. Admit your behaviour was wrong and the fact that you are aware of this.

The offer of correction is also very important. Do this by explaining what you will do to compensate for your mistake. Make sure you admit your guilt also to those who witnessed your anger. You can also talk about what steps you will take to avoid losing your temper in future.

Be able to respond more constructively the next time

Try also to figure out what triggers you. To avoid losing your temper repeatedly, identify the factors that make you upset.

Maybeyou need to handle stress better, or you become angry when you feel under attack or vulnerable. Perhaps there are some specific colleagues who frustrate you. Determine the causes and then start working on addressing them.


Article source Harvard Business Review - flagship magazine of Harvard Business School
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