Do you know meeting etiquette?

Meetings are not the most popular workplace activity. This, however, does not mean we should annoy other participants in meetings by behaving inappropriately.

If you've ever been at a meeting where someone disturbed and annoyed their colleagues, you will know what we mean. It is unprofessional, frustrating and unproductive. Besides sabotaging the work of others, people behaving in such a way also damage their own reputation.

Let's focus on the most common cases of disruptive behaviour at meetings. Find out whether someone in your team or even you yourself does not behave like that. Take action before it's too late.


The following bad habits which no manager should allow subordinates or even themselves at meetings were published at

1. Food

Do not take food with you to meetings. Or, if you do, it should be something you can eat quietly and without making a mess.

2. Phone

At meetings deal only with essential phone calls - and preferably none at all. Do not do e-mails and do not look at social networks. Spending the whole meeting monitoring your phone is impolite.

3. Late arrival

Anyone who comes late wastes the time of all the others. Late arrivals send a clear signal that they can't organise their time. In some companies, you may be even dismissed for being late to meetings.

4. No preparation

Coming unprepared once is okay. However, if you always pretend you're ready but don't contribute to the meeting in any way, you will soon lose the trust of others.

5. Constant negativity

Disagreeing is legitimate. But you should not just reject others' proposals without offering any yourself. When you present your own suggestions, you should count on the possibility that someone else may come up with a better solution.

6. Interruptions

Some people don't let others finish speaking. They feel the need to say out loud their every thought the moment it occurs to them. This is a very annoying habit.

7. Indifference

Body language is very expressive. Anyone almost lying on the desk or moving down the chair and looking nobody in the eye seems like they want to go to sleep. Such behaviour clearly shows a lack of interest.

8. Off topic

Everybody should always stick to the specific topic of the meeting. Do not let anyone talk off-topic and think that if they speak for long enough, something meaningful may be said.

What behaviour bothers you most at meetings?


Article source - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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