Only 10% of employees use artificial intelligence. Four reasons why you should motivate your subordinates to use it.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a hot topic right now. Advanced tools, such as generators of visual and graphic art, or chat platforms such as ChatGPT, arouse both enthusiasm and fear. However, experts generally agree that, when used correctly, these tools can be very useful for a wide range of workers. So it is not true that robots are going to take our jobs away. If we understand how these systems work and learn how to use them, AI tools can help us become more efficient and productive in our current jobs. So far, only 10 percent of workers are using AI at work. Here are four reasons why you should encourage your subordinates to use it and not discourage them.


Reason No. 1: Increased work efficiency

As Forbes states, one of the biggest benefits of AI is its ability to help us increase the efficiency of our work. This is especially true for routine tasks that do not require innovation or creativity. For example, if we have a set of data and need to compare it to another set, AI is able to perform this operation flawlessly in seconds. This gives us time to focus on more important things, like strategic planning or customer service. The fight against AI in this context is as absurd as the fight against calculators.

Reason No. 2: Fewer errors

When we allow AI to perform routine tasks for us based on clear rules, numbers and data, we obtain results with fewer errors than if it was done by humans. A computer will never make a mistake where a human might. This is why you should encourage your subordinates to use AI for routine work. However, you must limit its use to genuinely routine tasks that do not require human insight.

Reason No. 3: Personalisation

AI has the ability to take large amounts of data, text and general knowledge, and reshape it according to the needs of the user. Thus AI can be used, for example, to personalise training for employees, plan work effectively or develop individual strategies and plans for individual workers.

Reason No. 4: Informed decision-making

AI can find connections between information that humans do not necessarily always notice. This is particularly useful when an individual is faced with having to make a decision. AI can thus help humans overcome their own prejudices or emotions and make a purely rational and informed decision.



Article source - prestigious American business magazine and website
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