Three tips for a more productive summer


The summer weather has finally come to our country. Employees' dreams about doing nothing on the beach are therefore starting to get real contours as well as managers' concerns regarding the typical summer decline in productivity. therefore published a practical guide on how to better organize your vacation and be more productive at work.

Plan with your boss

Start by comparing your diary with your supervisor to agree when the best time for your vacation will be. Then, focus on planning the many individual activities you want to do during the summer. When, for example, your friends will come to visit you and you want to go for a lunch together, come to work sooner that day. Show your boss that you know how to plan your time flexibly and that you don't want to avoid your work during the summer.

Plan with your children

If you have children, you know how important it is to plan their summer activities. Although they will require more of your attention during their holidays, you should not take them to your office with you either answer their calls ten times a day. That is why you should plan their time in as much detail as possible. On the other hand, you should be also aware of the possibility that your plans can change. Get ready for the situation that you may have to deal with a work problem from home even during your vacation. However, try to work only in case of real emergencies.

Plan with yourself

You may also not have too much work during the summer. Your superiors will not like to launch new projects during the holiday season and important decisions will be postponed until the fall. This does, however, not mean that you can't find some work yourself. Search for information about the planned projects or focus on your unfinished tasks - you surly have some.


Article source - prestigious American business magazine and website
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