Three strategies of effective leadership according to a former astronaut

Cady Coleman is an American chemist, engineer, member of the military and astronaut who has led numerous projects and successful missions. The number one rule of space missions is that all participants must be able to rely 100% on mission leadership and top-notch teamwork. So what does effective leadership look like according to Cady Coleman?


This text is based a Coleman interview with David Biello for

Build individual relationships with your team members

Successful people leadership means, among other things, not taking a one-size-fits-all approach to your subordinates. Each member of your team is an individual, so you need to get to know each person on an individual level.

"When you're able to say to a member of your team, 'Your world is different from mine, but I'd like to get to know yours,' you're not only building mutual trust, you're also opening up a channel of communication that allows you to get to know your colleague's true qualities," says Coleman.

Create a team culture that is open to ideas and suggestions from all team members

While leaders are in charge of their teams, they need to have some authority with subordinates. But it is equally imperative the team leader allows team members to express themselves and communicate their ideas and suggestions.

No less important is the team leadership always taking relevant ideas into account, especially if these relate to the expertise and area of the person who has made the suggestion.

Create a shared vision

For team members to be truly motivated to help one another and pull together as much as possible, it is essential the entire team has a common vision, namely a specific goal all employees can work towards and whose vision helps them overcome obstacles and difficult times.

"Trust is key in creating a shared vision and team spirit. You have to build that - that means trusting the people around you, but also earning their trust yourself," says Coleman.



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