Three steps to effective leadership


If you want to become an inspiring and effective leader, you need to keep working on yourself. That is what Brian Tracy,  American speaker and consultant, world's leading expert in personal and professional development, writes about on his blog. He recommends leaders to focus on the following three most effective characteristics of leadership.

1. Strengths

An effective leader focuses on his strengths as well as the strengths of the people around him. He knows that people have more weaknesses than strengths and therefore we cannot achieve success by focusing on our weaknesses. It is necessary to find individual possibilities of strong development and focus on those.

2. Leading by example

An effective leader's behavior shows others how to behave. He realizes the impact of his words and behavior on other people. Therefore, try to be as positive as possible in both his professional and private life.

3. Integrity

According to Tracy, integrity is the most important quality of an effective leader. Such a leader knows that the any successful collaboration is based on the ability and willingness to trust people. If this is not possible, he is prepared to move on. Few people can e.g. achieve success under negative and untrustworthy superiors.


Article source - Brian Tracy's official blog
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