Stress kills the potential of your team. Four tips on how to eliminate it

A manager should always try to support a sustainable working style of their team. This is because high stress levels and performance pressure in the long run cause a significant reduction in productivity and may even lead to health problems and burnout. How to fight against stress in your team? And how to have subordinates who are productive and whose working pace is sustainable? Here are four tips.


Automation as a way to reduce employees' workload

As states, overloading of employees is often caused by bad organisation of work or the employees handling too much work. It is the manager's task to optimise these two parameters if possible, which is why you should try to implement systemic changes and automation that lower the workload of team members.

Beware of tacitly supporting unhealthy working styles

Many managers support workaholism among their employees without even realising it. For instance, they praise employees who work over the weekend, they give employees tasks and deadlines that cannot be met during regular working hours, or support competition among employees. Do not be that kind of manager; instead, support a healthy and sustainable working schedule.

Supporting mental health and work-life balance

Relaxation and rest are necessary prerequisites of a healthy working environment. Let your employees know how important physical and psychological recovery is, actively support individual mental health awareness and help employees in their psychological well-being. At the same time, one of the most common sources of frustration and stress is an inability to balance work and personal life. Try to support your employees in this respect, and offer them flexibility, home office and other tools that will enable them to achieve a better work-life balance.

Other assessment parameters besides quantity

When motivating and assessing employees, many managers focus primarily on quantity and performance. The problem is that this attitude often leads to an unhealthy working environment in which volume and quantity play the crucial role, not quality and sustainability. Reduce the pressure on performance, focus on quality of work and introduce other parameters for evaluating employees than mere numbers and quantity.




Article source Business Class blog American Express - U.S. website and community of small entrepreneurs
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