The right values complete the leader


Thanks to the scandals of many large companies, organizations are trying to renew their credibility and reputation. And that is why the values of their leaders are more and more important to them, as people with firm values help others find the meaning in what they do. Moreover – if companies always had leaders with firm values, most scandals would have never happened.

• Knowledge of oneself. Become aware of what you stand for and what is important to you.
• Clarify your values in the company. They should be transparent to the people around you. They should be clearly communicable, easy to understand and, if possible, also contagious.
• Authenticity. Saying what it is on my mind and also really thinking it.
• Open mind. Consider the opinions of others. Think about other points of view. You will make better decisions.
• Self-confidence. But not to be confused with arrogance. It’s about being aware of one’s strengths as well as the areas where you still want to improve.
• A certain degree of humbleness. This will help you to respect the people around you more.
• Model. As a leader, you are a living representative of company values.
• Courage. To not be afraid to stand up for others if you believe it’s necessary. You are once again being a role model here.
• Reward behaviors that respect the given values. The company’s compensation policy should go hand-in-hand with its values.
• Stick to your values. People will notice immediately if you don’t stick to them. You’ll lose their trust.


Article source Management Today - website of a UK management magazine
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