Seven fatal management mistakes a leader cannot make

An effective leader must be an excellent communicator, organiser, psychologist and also expert in their team's field. Unfortunately, even the best team cannot fully exploit its potential if it is led by someone who makes quite basic mistakes incompatible with effective leadership. Here are seven fatal mistakes a manager must not make. If you fear you might be guilty of some of them, you should start correcting things immediately.


A manager standing above the team

A good leader stands not above the team but within it. Do not look down on other people and listen to the real problems of team members.

Inability to take responsibility for one's own mistakes

An inability to admit to a mistake and blaming others for one's own failings is a bad enough trait in anybody. But in a team leader it is absolutely fatal. Have a certain level of self-reflection and accept responsibility for your actions.

Bad time management

As coach Casey Miller states in a LinkedIn article, a frequent shortcoming is having no time for anything. No one can get hold of you, you have no time to talk to people one on one and you cancel most meetings at the last minute. But time management is crucial in successful leadership and time with subordinates should always have the highest priority.

Favouritism and lack of transparency

Are you treating everybody the same? Or maybe you have a favourite team member who has a personality similar to yours and you treat them better than the others? Employees are very sensitive to injustice and they can always recognise it, so you really need to be careful in this regard.

Inability to turn ideas into reality

Are you the perpetual visionary? Someone who has a lot of new ideas but is unable to realise them? In that case your team members will soon stop believing in your visions and their work efficiency will drop significantly.

Focus on one's own career development

It is clear that a leader must have a good relationship not only with their team but also with people on the same level and company management. But you cannot overdo it. If you spend the whole time working on your own career but have no time for the development of your subordinates, this will soon turn against you.

Ignoring problems

Nobody likes dealing with unpleasant topics. But ignoring a problem in the long run will not make it disappear; on the contrary, it will only become worse over time. You must know how to face problems and deal with unpleasant situations in a fair and transparent way.



Article source LinkedIn Pulse - LinkedIn blogging platform
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