Why aren't you successful?


There is never enough advice on how to succeed. That is why we found today's managerial inspiration for you on a website called addicted2success.com. The website was founded in 2011 by the Australian entrepreneur and coach Joel Brian as a place where people from all over the world can find suggestions for their personal development and perhaps even their answer to the question of how to succeed at work and in life. Let's start with what actually prevents us from succeeding. When you think about it, you will find that you put most of the obstacles in your way yourself. You simply have bad habits. What are they?

1. You are waiting for the right moment to come

You can never be perfectly prepared. Doing something is always better than doing nothing. Perfectionism is often a bad thing.

2. You need the others' approval

Support from others is of always nice, but all your actions do not depend on it. Decide independently.

3. You have too much respect for authorities

Take a good look at whether the authority you consider to know everything better than yourself is really such an authority. Do not blindly follow "expert" recommendations.

4. You do not want to take responsibility

If you are afraid of getting your hands dirty, how can you want to build something? You will get respect and success when you not only perform your duties, but when you do things beyond your basic responsibilities.

5. You underestimate the people around you

Just the fact that someone does not hold such a prestigious degree or such a senior position as you does not mean that you can't learn anything from him.

6. You want to have things done quickly

Haste makes waste. Good things can be differentiated from bad ones by the patience of their creator. Before completing your work, always check it well.

7. You do not make mistakes

Being able to admit a mistake and apologize is harder than it seems at first glance. Even if you hold a high managerial position, do not pretend that you are infallible. Do not let your stubbornness delay the work of others.

8. You are too self-satisfied

Being aware of your achievements is important, but there is always an opportunity for you to be even better. Keep on setting new and higher goals. Do you really think you can't be better?


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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