The 10-10-10 rule: what it is and how it can help you lead people

If you want to make better and faster decisions, work rationally and be a better leader, you should be interested in the 10-10-10 rule. How does it work and how can it help you lead people?


What is the 10-10-10 rule?

The 10-10-10 rule is a simple but extremely effective tool to help you make informed decisions without unnecessary emotion. The principle is to ask yourself three key questions when dealing with any dilemma: what impact will my decision have in 10 minutes, 10 months and 10 years? This spacing of time allows you to gain perspective, which is essential when leading people and making decisions.

Why does it work in management?

When leading a team, managers are faced daily with situations which require quick decisions. However, emotions, stress or environmental pressure can cloud judgment and lead to ill-considered actions. As stated by, the 10-10-10 rule helps leaders slow down, consider the consequences of their actions and make more rational decisions. This not only makes you a more effective manager, but also a more credible leader in the eyes of your team.

How do you start?

In order to make the most of the 10-10-10 rule, try to think of it as a mental exercise. Whether solving a problem with a subordinate, planning a strategy, or responding to criticism, take a moment to imagine how you will view the situation in the short, medium, and long term. You will soon find that this rule will not only make your decision-making easier, but also increase your confidence in defending it.



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