Business meetings: Leave your cleavage and perfume for your night out


Whether you are going to attend a business meeting, a job interview, a networking event or any other place where you meet new people, you should remember one basic rule: first impressions count. Others will judge you long before you say something. People only need a few seconds to look at you to form a clear opinion.

What can you do to prevent people from having a negative impression of you before you even open your mouth? Avoid the following offences described on

Untidy clothing

Worn, wrinkled or dirty clothes show a clear signal that the person you are going to meet is not important to you. Untidy clothing will label you as a lazy person unable to make decisions. The first impression could be even worse if you wear scuffed or dirty shoes that indicate inattention to detail.


Regardless of fashion trends, showing cleavage is still perceived as a sign of loose morals and lower intelligence. It's an unnecessary and disruptive element that does not look professional.

Flashy make-up

If you are not at a night club, only use subtle make-up. Others will subconsciously start to wonder what you are trying to hide.

Poor posture

When you stand up straight and keep your head high, you look confident and capable. Additionally, your clothes fit you better, which boosts the overall positive impression.


Many people are very sensitive to smells and some even suffer from allergies. That is why you should use perfumes carefully. It's better to have a thorough wash before an event than try to overlay a strong smell of sweat using a perfume. Also watch out for the smell of cigarettes, which is less and less tolerated by society. If you spend a lot of time with animals, get you clothes cleaned.

Chewing gum or headphones

No matter why you chew gum, it is always rude at a social event. It is impolite to come wearing headphones as well. It looks indifferent and immature.

No eye contact

When you talk with someone, look the person in the eye. Do not send text messages, do not look around the room, do not check your appearance in the mirror and do not start talking to anyone else. Doing these things shows indifference, arrogance or lack of confidence.

Bad handshake

Your handshake should be strong - no dead fish or crushed fingers. It should be accompanied by eye contact and a smile.


Article source - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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