Reach a management position using simple rules

If you are planning on becoming a manager, or if there is an opportunity for promotion to leader of the team you are currently a regular member of, it is entirely up to you if you want to accept the challenge or not. If you do, we recommend you follow the four pieces of advice below, which will help you perfect your managerial skills and move up to the management position you are dreaming of.


These tips were published by the Harvard Business Review.

Learn how to make a good impression on people

In the world of management, it does not pay to be forgettable and dull. Be original and make an impression on people when you meet them, regardless of whether they are top managers, current colleagues, potential subordinates or business partners. Work on your handshake, look people in the eye when shaking hands, and learn to come across as likeable and charismatic.

Keep on learning

A good manager, or an aspiring one, knows that they do not know everything. They always seek the advice of people who are knowledgeable in the given field, they are interested in current trends and, most importantly, they continue to educate themselves. A good manager also motivates their subordinates to keep on learning.

Always see things in the wider context

As a good manager, you must know the context of things your team is doing. You have to be familiar with the latest trends in the given field and not be surprised or taken aback by virtually any situation. Be an expert, know the context in which your team is working, and always try to be transparent, honest and if possible knowledgeable about your area of business.

Focus on your own mental well-being

Many managers focus only on the efficiency and results of their team. They often forget the fact that the performance of their team is primarily defined by their own mental state and attitude. Do not neglect your own mental well-being and learn to take care of yourself on the psychological level. If you want to become a manager, you must first show you are mentally resilient and have emotional intelligence. This is why you need to focus on this area.



Article source Harvard Business Review - flagship magazine of Harvard Business School
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