Back to work after Christmas


Christmas holidays are coming to an end and your re-entry to your work is approaching quickly. No matter how short your time off was you have probably get accustomed to being on vacation quickly. So, how to return to work in full strength to face new challenges? advises:

1. Relax well

Before returning to work, take at least one day of rest without many actual activities. You can also greatly reduce the stress of returning to work when you prepare your clothes and everything you need to take to work with you in the evening and go to bed early.

2. Start earlier

On the first day, go to work a little earlier so that you can handle the accumulated tasks more easily. Go through your e-mail, listen to your voice messages and remind the work you have started before Christmas.

3. Review your goals for the new year

Find some time to go through your department's and your team's goals but also your personal goals. Decide what and how you want to achieve in the new year.

4. Have a chat

Ask your colleagues how they enjoyed the holidays and how they motivate themselves for getting back to work. It will help you to create a friendly atmosphere and gain some useful tips to start working after the holidays.


Article source - a U.S. career and employment website
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