Plan less to achieve more


Don’t stop setting up goals to motivate and push you, but sometimes the more realistic and achievable goals you set, the better. Pick goals you can stick to, advices the website. Because if you start at a ferocious pace, goals will eventually prove unsustainable then you will slip back to your previous lifestyle, back to your old ways. A simple strategy of doing less can make the difference between accomplishing what you choose to achieve and constantly struggling and failing.

Don’t bite off more than you can chew

As most of us have done: you set a high goal, like going to the gym twice a day, 6 days a week. It is possible that you are going to do it during the very first week, but the next week you don’t exercise twice a 6 days, but just 4 days, and it  gets worse with each subsequent week. By the fifth week you are happy if you make it to the gym 3 days a week, once each day. Sounds it familiar to you? This applies to any goal, not just to the resolution to exercise.

Plan to do a little less

Let’s suppose you know that on a good week, you could realistically exercise 1 hour at least 5 times a week. Now you have to intentionally plan to do less, let’s say 45 minutes 3 days a week. All in all, not every week is a good one, right?  The first week you stick to your goal. The next week you are be a bit busier, but thanks to the realistic goal you will still be able to make it. Doing less in the short term is more likely to lead to  success, since doing a smaller action regularly is better than a big action sporadically. Having to do great deal suddenly is an extremely difficult goal to stick to.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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