Five things future leaders will need to know and be able to do

As society as a whole evolves along with expectations of workers and managers, so also do the requirements for managers. Leaders of companies and teams in the near future will need to have rather different knowledge skills than leaders in the not-too-distant past. What are the current trends in management and what will the leaders of tomorrow need to know and be able to do?


Digital literacy

As states, technology is constantly shifting. In the future, there will no longer be room for effective and successful leaders who lag behind in digital technology. Whether it be artificial intelligence, data analytics or automation tools, knowledge and skills regarding modern technology will be a must for leaders.

Emotional intelligence

Managers have always needed a high level of empathy and emotional intelligence. However, this need will be greater in the future. Without high emotional intelligence, managers will simply not get very far.

Sensitivity to cultural differences

The world is globalising and people are often proud of their specific culture and background. Managers can no longer expect people to adapt and suppress their unique cultural specificities; on the contrary, they will have to be extremely sensitive to these specifics.

Sense of sustainability

Sustainability is the big topic of our time and there is every reason to believe its importance will only increase. This applies to sustainability in the environmental sense, as well as at work or in work-life balance.

Adaptable mind

The world is constantly moving faster and those who resist change cannot succeed in it. And such people certainly cannot lead a team effectively. Therefore, it will be imperative for the leaders of tomorrow to embrace the constant change and be flexible and adaptive in their approach.



Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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