The true influencers are … us

An influencer is someone who has many social media followers. But don’t feel bad if you don’t have immense numbers of subscribers to your social media accounts. At least you aren't running the risk of valuing numbers more than real human relationships.


An article on the website argues that we should  focus on trying to influence each other to become a tiny bit better than we were yesterday.

Influencers are human just like us

Don’t be mistaken: so-called influencers aren't superhuman. You can do the same great things as they can. In our lives, we all can influence people, for better or for worse.

We can focus our time on our goals and then achieve them, or, we can choose to sit in front of our computers all day long desperately trying to figure out how to get others to be interested in our posts.

They know our worries

Influencers have the same worries as the rest of us. Are we good enough? Every so-called influencer thinks about this. That makes us all human. We have our human fears – even if we don’t show them to the world.

The one positive thing we can say about influencers is that they believe they have become somebody (even if it's not true). And that is actually a good mindset. Believing you're somebody can be a great first step towards your success. Confidence is important.

Become a real-life influencer

We can increase our influence. It's not about online metrics.  It all comes from who you are as a person. So are you:

  • Achieving your goals?
  • Adding value to the lives of others?
  • Aiming to bring people together?
  • Getting support from others because you gave them support first?
  • A leader – and are you creating more leaders?

Let’s be human again. People who are really helpful and supportive shouldn’t be confused with something which can be produced by social media algorithms.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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