Are you dragged down? Make use of it

Sometimes you have no other choice than to accept the struggle you are going through. Giving up is not an option.

There are times in our lives when we simply need to make a decision and accept a new commitment. And the moments when we realise that we need to take our life seriously are ultimately what helps us to achieve our goals.

If you are experiencing difficult times, here are four things you can be grateful for.


The following points were published in an article on

1) When you are at the bottom, you start again with nothing

You simply have to let go of everything. You need to get rid of all the things you don’t need. Chances are that you allowed some people around you to suck you into things that just aren’t important to you, although they may have been important to them.

Letting go of certain things is a part of the process of climbing back up again. Sometimes we can’t bring ourselves to give up those things that we don’t want but which somehow have got into our lives. We resist giving them up because it feels like we would lose something.

2) The best things happen when you fight with something

Are you a long way outside your comfort zone? When struggling, you have an opportunity to think differently about everything you do. You may find some innovative solutions or ideas.

When you are at rock bottom, you clearly see all your faults and worries. Your unhappiness is under the spotlight now, so you have a good chance to examine it thoroughly and see it for what it is.

3) Embrace the pain you feel: it will help you recover

If you still haven’t hit rock bottom, you may not feel enough pain actually to deal with the problems in your life. Pain is a strong motivator: it can give you the momentum you need. 

4) You have a sense of clarity

When down, you can define what a better life means to you. All of your values, beliefs and current goals are erased or questioned. It is a chance for you to come up with a new vision for your life.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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