Is your attitude to career development up-to-date?


There is a need for an infusion of creativity in the field of career planning and development. There are too many complicated systems and processes. Everything is too rigid and controlled, which doesn't work because career paths are less predictable today. Furthermore, there are fewer leadership roles because structures are leaner and flatter, according to the website.

Unproductive organization

Do you know the unnecessary and redundant positions that can sometimes be seen on org chart? It is often an effort to satisfy employees who want to get promoted. There are still the same customers, the same work and the same pay, only the job title has changed. Sometimes there are too many supervisors, too. The situation is bad when there is a 1:1 individual contributor to supervisor ratio.

Career development opportunities should not be just extra work

When it comes to development opportunities, they frequently just mean additional volumes of work. No already busy employee wants to take on more tasks when it really doesn't really offer true development. When it is just regular work it doesn't encourage and motivate the employees that you would like to see growing and being engaged. Offer them real opportunities to grow and develop.

How can you shift mindsets and expectations in your organizations? These two quick fixes don’t cost you anything, but their impact may be rather considerable.

1. Lighten the administrative load on your employees. The fewer formal structures there are, the more work is done in an informal and ongoing way. People learn when doing things this way. Take advantage of thinking outside the box and loosen up the firm structure.

2. Get rid of the idea of the concept of career ladder. Nowadays climbing walls and Tetris-style paths are the modern way of thinking. Constantly working on development, varying tasks and challenges are the bulk of careers today. Not a ladder, but a cluster of lateral opportunities and in-the-moment tasks.


Article source - network of professional blogs
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