Some simple steps to help subordinates balance their personal and professional lives

Work-life balance is a topic currently being widely discussed, often in connection with remote working or the hybrid work model. Employees are nowadays much more frequently demanding their work should not have a negative effect on their private life. Employers are trying to accommodate this demand and often it takes only very little for them to agree to it. Here are some simple steps managers can take to enable subordinates better to balance their personal and professional lives.


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Set an example yourself

If you want to cultivate healthy habits in your subordinates, you need to set an example yourself. This also applies to work-life balance. Show subordinates it really is possible to work in a healthy and sustainable way. Avoid sending them e-mails at 10 pm, use up all your vacation days, and show by your own example that working sustainably and healthily means not burning out, but bringing more value to the team.

Flexible working hours

If this option is feasible in your team and there is nothing to prevent it, you should try to introduce it.

Clearly defined roles and set expectations

Team well-being and mental health also thrive when everyone knows their responsibilities and what is expected of them. Uncertainty stemming from unclear roles and vague communication often plays a part in work negatively affecting employees' mental health.

Mental health support

Promoting mental health and mental hygiene awareness is crucial to ensuring workers are able to set their own boundaries and deal with work-related stress.

Healthy and open communication with subordinates

Do you want to know how best to help workers deal with work-life balance? Ask them! Have a long-term dialogue with your subordinates and find out directly from them what their ideas and preferences are.



Article source Science Daily - online magazine focused on science and technology
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