Some reasons why every manager should be a reader

There are numerous studies that show regular reading has a positive effect on a person's cognitive functions, mental skills and creativity. This article will explain why specifically team leaders and people in management positions should be in the habit of reading.


Creativity development

As states, the vast majority of inspiring leaders, including Bill Gates, describe reading as a habit they consider crucial both in their work and personal lives. One reason for this is that reading helps develop one's abstract imagination and creativity because, compared to passive forms of entertainment (e.g. watching films), you have to cooperate creatively with the author so as to imagine the story in your own mind.

Stress reduction

Reading books soothes the brain. For a certain time, you put aside your worries and occupy your mind with something completely different. This way you help the brain regenerate and put your own thoughts in order.

New information and stimuli

Another important aspect of reading is that you gain fresh stimuli and learn new information you would otherwise not know about. Reading thus works as "food for thought" that may help you come up with ideas you would otherwise not have thought of.

Practising long-term concentration

Reading for extended periods of time requires long-term concentration. These days, the world around us actually decreases our ability to focus for longer periods of time, and books are thus an excellent way to train your concentration and deep work skills.

New viewpoints

Last but not least, books provide you with perspectives of other people. Thanks to books, you are able to wear the shoes of various characters and people who are often very different from you yourself. Thus by reading you improve your empathy, which is crucial in leading people.



Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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