The most common reasons for a team's internal communication not working

Effective communication is essential in the success of any team. Without quick, clear and trouble-free communication, a team can neither share information nor delegate work, and thus fails to exploit the full potential of all its members. If you sense communication in your team is not ideal, there may be several causes.


Too many communication channels

As INSEAD Knowledge states, a common reason for communication being troublesome is using too many channels. Modern technologies offer a vast number of communication platforms, and many teams use several of them simultaneously. Make it clear how and when to use individual channels and, if possible, reduce their number to a minimum.

Unclear roles of team members

Individual team members may not communicate with one another effectively if their roles are not clear. If employees do not know what their own duties and those of their colleagues are, this problem often manifests itself in communication, which is ineffective and thus logically reduces the productivity of the whole team.

Lack of knowledge of processes

Another cause of ineffective communication is lack of knowledge of the workflow within the team, namely the processes it uses. It is necessary all team members know exactly what phases tasks or projects are going through, how the system as a whole works, what should be happening and what the duties of individual employees are.

Personal reasons of some team members

Unfortunately, a conscious or subconscious boycott by some individual team members may also occur. Some people might feel frustrated or not appreciated, or disagree with processes in the team, and thus they refuse to play a proper part in communication. Others just don't know how to communicate or think they have no time for such things. In such cases, you first need to solve individuals' problems or assumptions, and only then effectively incorporate them into team communication.



Article source INSEAD Knowledge - INSEAD Business School knowledge portal
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