Tired of your job? Do something about it


You can experience occasional bad periods in every job. You get tired of the routine, then boredom sets in and the question could occur to you whether it's time to change your job. However, how can you know if it's just a temporary condition you can do something about, or if you should really leave?

The Harvard Business Review website advises you to not act rashly. First, you should evaluate your situation and try to rediscover your passion. The worst thing is to do nothing and expect that things will resolve themselves.

Map out what you enjoy and what you are good at

Monitor your energy levels during the workday. After a few days, it will be clear when you feel most productive and when you lack energy. It will also help you find out which tasks motivate and fulfil you the most. Logically, these will be the activities you are good at. You will see what you should pay more attention to and what you should delegate.

Try to make changes

There are plenty of options to customize your daily work to better fit your talents and passions . For example, you can volunteer on a project outside your department. Cooperate more with your colleagues and offer assistance in the areas that interest you. Talk to your supervisor and make it clear that you are interested in new challenges.

Look for enthusiasts around you

Relationships with colleagues and peers play a vital role in how we feel at work. So try to surround yourself with positive people both in the office and in professional groups. Attend professional conferences and other events where you can meet enthusiastic colleagues. You can also become a mentor and share your experience with others.

Celebrate achievements

Besides your to-do list, try keep a list of your every day accomplishments. Maybe you don't realize how many things you can accomplish in a day and this will make you feel better and more satisfied with your job. It will also become clearer what you want to focus on more in the future.

If you try these tips for several months and you find that you're still dissatisfied at work, it is a signal to start looking for something new. You can start with a different role in the company you're already working for.


Article source Harvard Business Review - flagship magazine of Harvard Business School
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