Habits are the best servant, but a leader's worst master

When you are trying to be a better leader, you will need to kick some of your current habits and develop new ones. Which habits do you definitely need to eliminate?

- The need to always be right.

- The habit of fixing others all the time.

- The need to always have attention.


Nobody is infallible

Occasionally admitting you were wrong is much better for your reputation than constantly trying to be right at all costs. Your willingness to be wrong can even change the culture in your team.

If you already know all the answers, you can't invite engagement in your colleagues. There will be no inspiring teamwork.

So stop trying to prove your superiority. Get curious instead, because that is the only way you can explore new options and gain knowledge from others, recommends the smartbrief.com website.

Too much help may hurt

We, as human beings, are often uncomfortable with our emotions. However, it's not good to avoid difficult conversations or condone poor performance.

This applies even if the person has problems. Everyone needs to own his or her emotional issues.

The spotlight isn't only for you

It may be good if this need gets you to put in the extra initiative. However, if you feel jealous when someone else gets the attention, you know you have a problem. A leader is not jealous of rising stars in his team – he is proud of them.

You can bet you are addicted to spotlight if you poke holes in the ideas of others or you withhold information so that a colleague can't shine. You should acknowledge the achievements of others – share the spotlight with them.


Article source SmartBlogs.com - network of professional blogs
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