Mindfulness in practice: how to include it in your everyday life

Mindfulness is a set of attitudes towards work and life in general, which are based on the idea you should be present in the given moment and devote maximum attention to what you are doing at the time. Not only will you thus achieve better productivity and efficiency, but also enjoy the given activity more, learn to concentrate better and not live your life on autopilot. This article offers a few simple tips to help you practise mindfulness in your everyday life, thus improving your concentration and ability to be fully immersed in what you are doing.


These tips were published by Addicted2Success.com.

Mindful breathing

When you have the time and feel calm, for instance, on your way to work by bus or metro, perform a short breathing exercise. Pay attention to how your lungs expand, take a slow, deep breath, then exhale for twice as long. Relax and feel how the air flows through your body.

Body scan

Another interesting concentration exercise is the so-called body scan. Sit or lie down, close your eyes, and mentally picture all your body parts one by one.

Focus first on your right hand, then on your left hand, right leg, and so on. Always focus on relaxing that particular part. And in this way, scan your whole body.

Mindful eating

Eating is often a social event. Or it may be only a necessity that people do while looking at their phone or computer. So try doing lunch differently. Eat slowly and try to experience as intensely as you can how the ingredients in each bite taste. Enjoy your meal to the fullest, and try to identify all the sensations the food makes you feel.

Active and intensive listening

Next time you are talking to someone, try to listen to them in an intensive and genuine manner. Don't just wait for them to stop so that you can start talking yourself. Listen to the voice of the other person, think about their intonation and about what they are saying, even in between the lines. You will see that being present in conversations will take your interactions with others to a completely new level.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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