Between managers and employees: clarity of feedback is crucial

A manager who is frustrated by an employee’s repeated failure to meet deadlines experiences anxiety and anger. However, our innate tendencies make it uncomfortable to give negative feedback. Furthermore, we start telling ourselves that as the source of the problem is so obvious, there is no need to discuss it in detail.


The problem is that merely mentioning the need to improve time management skills is unlikely to suffice. Usually, a conscious effort is required to prevent misunderstandings and an escalation of the conflict.

Encourage managers, therefore, to be concentrate on the need for clear feedback. This should be at the top of the to-do list of managers who conduct evaluation sessions with their subordinates.

Clear and direct feedback

An article published by the INSEAD business school recommends reminding managers that their feedback is most likely not as clear as they imagine. Such a reminder, if made often enough, can enhance the accuracy and comprehensibility of the feedback they give to their employees.

What can the company do?

Managers are often busy people who need to keep pace with multiple demands. A mere one-off training session may not be enough to bring about a permanent solution. Try to put measures in place which will remind managers that clarity is vital at every single feedback session.

According to the article, linking managers’ financial compensation to the clarity of the negative feedback they give may be of great help as well.

What can employees do?

It also helps if employees themselves request more accurate feedback before the session. In this regard they should:

  • openly request candid feedback
  • ask follow-up questions throughout the session

This will help prevent any incorrect assumptions that might result from unclear communication.


Article source INSEAD Knowledge - INSEAD Business School knowledge portal
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